Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. fpeaks often of proprieties, a good Bifhop rules well his owne houfe, a Tím.3,4 John Cooke Mary into his own houfè,John 19,27. Fourthly, the ac ion of buying and felling does alto prove st, Chrift bid his Difciples to buy meat, Jehn.4,8. Fiftly, the Gofpell relates divers rich men, if there were a community, no one fhould be richer then another, lofeph of Artmathea was 1 rich,MAth.27,57. the Eunuch was rich, 45t.8,27. Paul does not advife rich men to make all away they have, but not to truft in their riches, a Tim.6,17. Sixthly, the duty of being liberal). fuppoles a propriety ; for then is a man liberall, when he gives bountifully of his owne, 2 Cor.9,6 when one beggeth of us, and we let him have, we are Paid to give, Math.6,4 a. Pirit, be- caufe'fo is Gods inflitution at the firft, All. r 6,27, and a divifion of goods and inheritance, is Gods Ordinance, Derst.3 2,6 Se- condly, fo is Gods providence, he maketh rich as poore, Prov. 22,2. Thirdly, it is not mans (inne, when he counts his goods 'his owne or his houle his owne, Symon had a honk of his owne, AEt.lo,6. Mary a houfe of her owne,, AEt.12,12. Philip had a houle of his owne, At .21,8. It is true, ffrft, we are all one in Chrift, in regard of fpirituall life but not in civil! life. Gal. ;,28. for forne are ,Mafters and fome fervants, £ph.6,5. Tone rich Pone poore, Math_z8,1z. Secondly, there muff be a com- munion of charity, but not fuch a communion as is contrary to all propriety, Reba 3,16. nay this kind of communion fup- pofeth a propriety, Prov.5.16, r7, Thirdly, the Go:pell com- mands a readineffe to forfake all that we have, when we are i called, but not always an ad tuallforfakingof all, Luke,14,33 1 Fourthly, the Church may Rand in need of a community of goods, AIl.2,14. and that all goods fhould be common, Alf. 4,3 2. and yet that doth fuppofe ; firfl, that our goods arc our ;owne, and in our owne power to make common, Aa.5.4 1 Secondly, not a neceffìty, but a freeneffe of giving, 2 Cer.9,7 Thirdly, it was only by accident, in regard of the multitudes of Ì poore Believers, Line 12,3 ;. IQ. 157. Why pray you not for weekly or yearely Bread, but give ru this day exr daily bread ? 1 A. That