Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the ,Lords Prayer, A. That we may not bee folicitous for to morrow, for firft, this day will afford us bufineflè enough to doe, wee had not need to preoccupate for the morrow, Afath.6,34. Secondly, if wee be careful! tor the morrow to day, we (hall be forced to care for it twice ; and therefore let us take care for to day, and to morrow, for to morrow, Math.6,34. Thirdly, wee need not to morrow, till to morrow, is come, it is onely this day, that is the feafon of our need; Pfal,r45,s y. Fourthly, it is the a& of Faith to live from hand to mouth, and it is againff fait!, to be thoughtful! for to morrow, Math,6,34, not, but wee may provide for to morrow, Gen.3o, 3 o. When the Lord giveth us this day, a fùrplus for to morrow, Faith alloweth this, 8. Againe, the Lord teacheth us to Pray every day, for every dayes bleffing ; for firíf, Gods mercies flow not from him all at once but fore to day and fome to morrow,Pfa1,68, r9. for they flow from him as water from a fountaine, Pfal.36,9. forne grace to day, and new to morrow, Zach. a 3,r. Secondly, the covenant of Grace requireth that wee (hould file to it con- tinually, a Thef..5,r7. Againe, to Phew the fickleneffe of our life; for what is it? ,am.q,r4. tojhua, though now well, yet lookt upon this Day, as the day of his death, Jofl. z3,r 4. for fir!}, we may dye to day, we doe not know when, Gen.a7,a. Secondly, if we doe not dye to day, yet if wee be plodding now for to morrow, it will make us the more unwilling to dye to morrow, Jam.4,1 3. Thirdly, the not thinking of Death as a thing prefent, rakes one the more fubje& to (inne, Amos 6,3. Aga ine,to teach us to looke out for heaven, which is not for a day,' nor fora ycare, but for ever J.hn 6,27. an Immortal! inheritance, t Pet .a,4. Q. r 58, If our daily Bread be oetrs, why doe we beg it, and if we beg it, how is it oars? A. It is the gift ofGod, Ffal.r46,7. though the material( caufe of it be from below, yet the efficient caufe is from above, Jam.t,a7. nay, if we be his children; firff, it is the gift of his everlalfmg mercy, Pfal. r 36,27. Secondly, as an appurtenance together with Chriff, Ren,.2, 3z. as an addition to the Kingdome L of