Ofthe Lord. Prayer, of God, Matb.6,3 3. Indeed he would have us make it ours, firft, by believing in Chritl, a Cor.3,2z. Secondly, by honefl labour, 2 Theff.3,10. and yet though we get it by gifts from friends, or by our owne induary and labour ; yet it is hee loth give it unto us, Deut.8.17,1 8. and then doe wee acknowledge it to be his guilt, when we doe Phew it by our Pra &ice, and our dependance upon him, ding it to his glory, Hof-2,8. and be- caufe that givers among men never want beggers, weefhould bee furors unto him for there things ; for hee is the hearer of Prayers, Pfal.64,2. Againe, if hee be a giver, we nsufl not have an evill eye, though he give others more, us idle, Math.zo,r 5. againe, if he be the giver, wee fhould not lay out his gifts upon that which will not profit us, but uiè them to our good, Ifa.S5, z. Again, if he be the giver,wefhould fay of every thing that we have ; This is Gods mercy,of every morfel of Bread. This is Gods mercy of every nights flecp,This is Gods mercy; the Lord curfeth people, when he renders them their deferts, Pfa 1.28,4. againe, if chele be his gifts, then they cannot help our needs further then his influence is in them. David had clothes, and did ufe them, and yet could net get warmth, r King.t,r. and though we have them, yet we have need to pray for them as though we had them not ; for without him, they are and they are not, Prov. z 3,ç. R..159. Forgive os our debts ; why are fnnes calleddebts ? A. Not becaufe they are debts that are owed, for fo good 1 works are debts, as to love one another, Rom. r 3,8. not to live after the flefh, Rom.8,r z. to publifh the Gofpell, Rom.' ;14 ¡but becaufe they are debts owed and not payed, 4ilath.18,27 .1 FUR, they are called debts, becaufe God is the creditor, Lo &e.7. 41. Secondly, becaufe we are indebted to his Juflice to pay the utmofi fartllin? ; Math.S, z 5. and therefore it is a tnifery to be a (inner, a Sam. a 2,z. for, firfl, he loves not to come into Gods pretence, except he be brought, 211ath.18,24. Secondly, he loves to be fnifting with God, as the unjufl Steward and the debterswere agreed to cozen their mailer, Luk,.t6,5. Thirdly, he is apt to leave the finery in the lurch, Frov.z 2,26. Fourthly,