Of the Lords Prayer, 1 23 he is fubjedl to be arrefied of Gods juflice, as a debtor is of mans, 2 KiNS.4rr . Q. 160. What is Sinne ? A. It is the tranlgreffìon ofGods law, r John 3,4. whether by omitting of what is commanded, Math.z5,4z. orby com- mitting of what is forbidden, Ier.z,t 3. or by failing in manner of doing it, for in every thing we doe, be it materially neverfo good we doe (inne, Gal.7,2o. whether it be in effentialls, as Jehrs's obedience is called murder, Hof r,4 or in Game cir- cumllantials, as 7cbechahs de(iring that Jacob might have the bleffing, there was a lye cleaving to it, Gen.27,15. whereby the perf on becomes guilty, Ezelta2,4. both with the guilt of offence, 1 Cora 1,27. the (inne being layd to his charge, AEF. 7,60. and with the guilt of death and damnation, Rom,r,i8. by which two guilts, as with chaynes, the foul is bound in hea- ven and in earth, Math.16,19. and the Confcience defiled, Tit.r,15. which can never bepurged againe, but by the bloud of Chrifl, t John.1,7. betides, lnne leaves a blot and an un- cleanneffe behind it upon the foul, and all the whole man, Marh.1 5,1 I . 0. 161. Are any fnnes fo fmall, that they are venial!, ttnd doe not deferve hell? A. No, Math.5,19. ti+oughit be but the lea fl breach; but of one jot of Gods Law, ver.z 8. or but an idle word Math, 12,36. or but a lufl, Rom.7,7. though it be but in the leaf} thing, Gal.3,Io. the Lord does not fay the wages of a great (inne, but (inne is death,Rem.6,z 3. he does not fay, Thou (halt not fleale a pound, or a (billing ; but thou (halt not (leale, though it be but a farthing, Math.19,18. It is a curled fpeech, Is this filch a matter ; be the matter never fo little, that is nor it, bur. the littleneffe of the will, Math, z6, a1, ruchneflr of will aggravates any (inne exceedingly, //eh.to,a6. When peop'e fay, we will not doe thus and thus, or we will Le thus and thus, Ier.6,16. for againfl whom doe(} thou (inne? I(a.57,23 even againfl an infinite God, Pfal.145,z. and thou at nothing to him, Dan4,35 and leffe then nothing in hs hands thy L z breath