24 I Of the Lards Prayer, breath is, Dan.5,23. and yet finnes are not all equal!, Luke.1 z. 47.48 and though all fumes be mortali, yet by reafon of Gods mercy ; all finnes are not unte death. lohn 5,16. namely, when a man is in Chrift, then no finne can damne him that he hath committed, Rom.8,x. againe, Tome fumes are little in corn- parifon of other tome, Ezek,16,48. Q. x62. How comes finne, to be faid to be oars ? A. Firfl A &uall fanne comes to be outs, by committing of it, /er.i 6,1o. or by being acceffary to anothers committing of it, Nehem.13,17. by teaching others to (inne, ler.2S,' 6. or by commanding others to finne, 2 Sam.' 3,28. or by ticeing others to finne, i King.21,2 5. or by giving others a finfull example, G41.2,14. or by conniving, 1 Sam.a,29, or by remiffeneffe of reproving (inne, fb as the reproved is never the more reflrained, 1 Sam.3,x ;. or of to little preaching to the Corafcience, Ezek. 33,6. or by keeping company with them that do finnc, Rom.', 3 z. or by being anothers inflrument in finning, x Sam.2z,18. or by feeding upon finnes of others,Hof.4,8. Secondly,originali finne is made ours, by being conceived in it, Pfa1.51,5. and borne of the flefh, lohn.;,6. not by imitation onely, for Firf}, finne entred into the world by one man,and not by every man, Rom. 5,12. and we were all dead in Adam, before we could imitate him, 1 Cor,15,22. or fanne after his fimilitude, Rom. 5, x4. Secondly, originali finne is before a &wall, for Fill, wee are uncleane before a &uall iflue from us, lob.14.4. Thirdly, we are finners from the wombe, and therefore before we doe a&ually imitate our Parents, f fal.;8.3. Indeed the a&uall fames of our parents are not made ours, but only by imitation, ez,ek.18.x4. and yet even they too thus fame are ours ; as that we are to be fpecially humbled for them, ler.3,25. 163. Forgiveneffe of fanne being there put by et Synecdoche, the part, for the whole, the whole being lrrflifaeaxion, tell me what is luf#ification? A. Firfl,