Of the Lords Prayer. A. Firf }, it is a free aet of God Rom,3,24. Secondly, look- ing at his owne grace, and not at any good works in man, Rom, ti,6. Thirdly, whom he confidereth, as formally a firmer, or ungodly, Rom.4,5. Fourthly, whereby, he frceth him from the Law, and from finne, and from death, Rom.g,z. and maketth him righteous in his accompt, z Cor.5, z 5. Fifthly, for Chrif} his fake, ver. t9. Sixthly, apprehended by faith, Rom. - s. and therefore juf}ification con filleth of two parts, 2ac.3,4. The fire, is the not imputing of fin, Rom.4,8. the fecund, is the im- puting of righteouthelle verf.6, for Chril bath done two things ; Fiat, he bath made reconciliation for finne. And fe- condly, he bath brought in everlafling righteoufheff , Dan,9,2 4, And therefore the Scripture doth not meane that Jufiification is onely by Chrifl's paflive obedience, when he faith, It ù by his blond, Rom.5,g. but it is alto by his aetive Obedience, ver(: i 9. whereby hee fulfilled all Righreouihcflé, Math.3,5 5, and the Law, Rowt.ro,4. being made under the law for that purpole, Ga44,4. hee fulfilled not the law for himfelfe,forthequaiifi- cation of his Perlon,that he might be a holy Sacrifice for finne ; for he was originally holy, being Jefits Chri fh the Righteous, z John z,r. himfelfe had no need to be turned over to the Law, by reafon of his hypoflaticall Union, hee was holy from the wombe, Lxt¿.1,3 5. and therefore he put himfelfe under the law, to fetch Righteoufneffe from thence, for his redeemed ones, Gal. 4, 5. lice did all that he did for them, and fùffered all that he fufYered for them. Nay, bee was borne for them, as well as Crucified for them, Ifa.9,6. and he fanetiñed himfelfe for them, John 57, t 9. and as hee dyed for them, fo he lived for them too, John 14,19. His Incarnation, Birth, Circumcifion, Baptifiue, his Life and conveNàtion, and Death, from the wombe, to the Croffe, all was for them : yea, felfe and all, was for them, Gal. 2,20. Yea all() hee rote againe, for them, Rona4,25. and now liveth in heaven for them, Hcb,7,z5. and fo well may hee be called, The gui fr of God, Joh.q, t o. f.,9:,564. who is the Anthor o f forgtvenefe o f flans ? L 3 A. God,