86 A. God, even God onely, Ifa.43,z5. Firfl, becaufe this is his glory, when Mofes would faine fce the Lords glory, Exod. 33,18. The Lord told him bee was the forgiver of linne, Exod. 34,7 Secondly, bee onely can forgive linne ; if one doe for- give (iliac that bath not a power to doe it, it is nothing, Mark. 2,7. Thirdly, fin is committed onely againf. God, Pfal.51,4. Fourthly, bee onely can give the Conscience peace, Rom. 5,1. Though all the world ürould fay, filch a one is an honefl man, lu ch an one bath his fames forgiven him, his Confcience will mifgive him for all that ; except the Clem-a-11 spirit fit it on, Heb.9,z -i Forgiveneffe of finnes is in Chrtfts name onely , "Are 4,47. and through his Blond, Math.z6,z8. when God himfelfe puts away a mans finites by it, !fa.44,2 z. Indeed in a trelpafle are two things ; fiat, the obliquity or evill that is in it Secondly, the hurt or detriment that redounds unto man by it; as it is an obliquity, it is an aberration from Gods law ; fo only God can pardon it, for it is bee that pardoneth all finne, JeY.33,8, as it is a hurt unto man, fo farce as it concernes him, he may and mull forgive it, Math.6,14. and whereas it is laid, That Gods Minifters may forgive finnes, Joh.zo,23. That is onely declaratorily as John declared unto them, whom he wrote his Epiftle to, That their finnes were forgiven them,, that is, of God, and not of him, a Joh.2,a 2. As Nathan Paid to David, 2 Sam.a 2,r ;. Men cannot get the pardon of their fumes as they tart A$.8,aa. Let men feare to fin againft God, leafl he fay in his wrath, he will never forgive them, Ier.14,12. if peo- ple were lure of a pardon when they have finned, it were an- other matter ; but when they prefume upon a pardon , and fo (inne , the Lord faith, hce will difappoint them, Dent.29. 19,2o. , 165. Who be they that are the proper fubjecls of forgiveneffe of fnne ; I meant who are they that this article belongs to ? 1 A. Not all but many, e. Path. 26,28. namely, the rem- nant Of the Lords Prayer.