Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. I g7 nanc ofGods heritage, Micha 7.18. The city of. God, thofe that dwell therein fhall bee forgiven their iniquities,. /f4.3 3.24. Indeed forgivenelfe of finne mull be preached in Chrifts name among all Nations, Luke 24,47, according to the riches ofhis Grace, Ephef,t.7. for-Chrifl is the Lambe of God, that takes away the finnes ofthe world, /ohm 1.29. The Gofpell is to bee propounded to every creature, and it may fo be, Mark,t6.2 5. but if any would partake of the forgiveneffeof (inne. Firf1, bee muff repentantly confeffe his (*panes, 3o6 33. 27. Secondly, he muff be finable of his (pitituall captivity, for the acceptable yeare ofthc Lord is for Captives onely, Luke 4.í8,I9. Third- ly, we mull hungerly attend upon God in all his ordinances ; and take heed of wilfull hardnefle of heart, lean God take an order with him that he never be forgiven, Mllark.4,12. Fourth - ly,he_muft not only be Baptifed, but alto with the Baptifine of repentance, Mark, z,4 Fiftly, he mull give the godly, good encouragement, that they may comfortably pray for him, jam, 5,15: Sixthly, he muff be a meek, and a patient man to for. give filch astrefpafi'e again( him, Mark,6,14, Q. 166. Who ù the meritoriúr wife of forgiveneffe of flan? tl. Chriti, in whom God reconcileth his people tohimlelfe, z Cor.5,19. for their (innes were hid upon him, Jfa. 53.5,6. He is the true hyfope whereby their (iones are purged away,Pfal. 51,7. He is the fountaine let open for their uncleanneffe,Zach. 13, t. He is the Mediatour offorgivenetfe, r Tart,.a,5. not only by way of (tipplication, fohn.i7,9. as /cab, and the woman of Tekoah was to David for .4bfolom, 2 Sam.14 ,2, -not only by way of interceffion, 1106.7,2 5. as Bla1 m to Herod for the Ty- rians, .4%.12,20. not only by way of fatisfa &ion, He6.1 2,24. as Pawl to Philemon for Onclìmus, Phil./ 8. but allo an advocate to plead it, and fue it forth for tkm, t 3oh.a,1. Indeed forgive - nefle of (inne to us is an adt of grace, ifGod take our nines, he loth it gracioufly, Hof 14 2. yet in regard that Chriti hath made fatisfa &ion, it is an a& of junice, 1 loh, t'9.but fire, our fines mull