Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

$$ Of tie Lords Prayer. rnul} be overwhelmingburthens to us, and we mu% be fenfible of our infnite need of a pardon, !fa. otherwife when wee make Secondly, beereffe&uallrt called, Hebe9, lfa.48,1 Y Y i S. Thirdly, we muff be in Chrifl, for pardon floweth from u- nion, and being in Chrift, Color, r,r4. the effe& whereof isa new Creature, z Cor.5.17. Chrifl in one is the hope of glory, Col.1.27. Fourthly, we mull have Faith, AEtr 13.38,39. we muflbehold the Lambe of God, Jo I.a4. A Mediatour, is not a mediatour ofont, but fuppoleth to--.izarties, and a con - fentonboth fides,Cal.3.ao. which is on Gods fide by giving ofChrifl, and on ours, by believing in Chrifl, John 3,r 6. and 1 receiving of him by Faith, John t,1 z. í2,167. What are the comforts of forgiveneffe of firmer? A. Full, it is a comfort that there is i'uch a thing that when we have finned, propitiation is poflible, i lohn 2.1. Secondly, that it is not only poflìble, there being fuel. a thing but that it I may be applyed unto us, if we come to take it at Gods termes, I lehn, 1.9. Thirdly, that it is univerfall of all f nnes l fa.38. r7.'and all kinds of fnnes, Exod.34.7, yea though they bee fcarlet hnnes, or crimfon finites, Ifa.r.r 8. Fourthly, that it is accompanied with the healing of fnne too, Pfal.1o3.3. and the filbduing and killing of it, Micba 7.19. with the changing of ones mind and difpoftion, and making him repent, that e- ver hee committed it AE}-s 5.31. Fifthly, that where the fume is forgiven, the punifhment is forgiven alto, and the plan that bath it may know his owne falvation, Lnke 1.77. and there - fore lie may be of good cheare, Math.9.2. Sixthly, that where !Anne is once forgiven, it can never returne to be unforgiven, or to be layd to ones charge more, or remembred againfl him any more, ler. /1.34. it is a debt quite blotted out, that can never bee demanded more,lfa,43.25. Indeed it may feeme to re- turne upon the Confcience, by doubtings and temptations, and recidivation into finne agaiae, then the confcience maybe foule againe