Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Praym againe with it, and cry guilty a- frefh, becaufe the man Rath blotted his Evidence ; and therefore hee mull. pray for the re- newing of it againe,Pfal.3z.5. Againe, a conceipted pardon may be repealed, as we fie by the debtor in the Parable; Math. 18.34. whom his Matter had feerned to forgive, verfe 27. but that Parable doth not imply the repealing of any true pardon, but only the conllancy of that .rule ; That whofoever would have God to forgive them, mutt forgive one another, Alath.6. is. For when a man is forgiven Indeed, though affli£tions come to feeke out his finnes, yet they thall not bee found, Jam. 50. 20, z 68, Seeing Ged Pith, It is abominable to jxsifis the wief ed, Prov. z 7, r 5, what M the meaning then of the Apo/le, who faith, That God *Meth the ungodly, Rom.4.5. Will God doe that which es abominable to him., ? A. Firfi, God may jullifie an ungodly man, and yet doe it with righteous judgement he is the Law- maker, and therefore he may pardon what law- breakers hewill ; becaufe mercy and forgiveneffe belongs to him to difpenfe it where hee will, Dan. 9.9. But if Officers and Magiflrates juflifie the wicked, they finite ; becaufe they doe it without warrant, for love, or for re- ward,Ifa.5.z3. Secondly, God jufiifies no other ungodly ones but only his Elea, whofe finnes Chrift dyed for, l om.8.3 3, 3 S Thirdly, God can juf ifie an ungodly man, becaufe hee can make him godly and purge his fpirit frost guile, PJal.3 a .2. As he openeth the eyes ofthe blmd,the man is not blind afterwards, John 9.25. The Lord never cleareth any man that goeth on fill in his guiltineffe,Exod.34.7. And therefore it is no aá of inj u- ;ice., eod ; whereas if a man fhould juftifie the wicked, it is injtiMi ìn him, becaufe hee cannot make the man godly ; and thereforehe mull juffifie none but the righteous, and condenine none but the wicked, Deut.z5.z. Fourthly, God juflifieth the Ungodly. not wallowers in finne and ungodlineffe, but ungod- ly, that is formally fo confidered as (inners, z Tim.t ,z S. Now M then i