Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

{ Of the Lords Prayer. then is a man formally a (Inner ; when, fiat, bee !cokes upon himfelfe as a (inner, when he feeth his finnes in their ovine co- lours, not tickled with any ríghteoufheffé of his owne, Math.9, It 3. Secondly, when he carrieth himfelfe fo before God, in his looks and thoughts, and affedkions, and mind, as becommeth a firmer in his cafe to do, Lukk.18,r 3. Thirdly, when his im- pudence is gone, and confufion of face is put on, Dan,9,8. Fourthly, when he hash no fquint lookings or any merits of congruities, or condignities, or ÿr atives, or fitneffes, but 4 magnifieth mercy, verf.IS. Fifthly, wbe, is truly refolved 1` upon turning to God, as abhorring the contrary to the pit of 1 hell, /P.55,7. Sixthly, when a man is in truth willing to take upChritdscrofle and follow him,Lukf.9,23. .Q. r69. Seeing the Lord Jeffs.; teacheth su to pray plu- rally, Forgive us our finny ; mull we not pray that God would forgive other? A. Yes, all that have wronged us, AEl.7,6o. yea all that we have communion with, 2 Chron.3o,18. yea all that live in the Church, Exod.32, r r . and others too, Gen.2.o,7. For firfl, we have a command for this duty, atrs.5,16, Secondly, we have a promife of hope, of fpeeding, verf.t 5. Thirdly, there have been bleffed effects of Gods fervants prayers in this kind. iNamely, the Lord bath forgiven others, upon their intreaty, Numb.i4,ao. Fourthly, we doe our (elves good hereby, yea Ithough God have purpofe to forgive one, yet lomtimes be Rayes '; till his fervants intreat for him. 3ob.4aX Therefore firff, we fhould take notice of other mens Cnnes, yea though they doe not know they have finned, yet weihould pray the Lord to forgive them in cafe they have, Job 1,5. Secondly; va^ begge one anothers prayers, aThef3,5. Thirdly, wet ould labour to be fuch as Gods people may have encouragement to pray for us, as `Paul was encouraged by the Ephefians faith and forwardneffe in the duty of love,Ephefr,r 5. to pray for them, verfc,i6. for the good things that are to be Peen in us, Phi .i,y. make