Of the Lords Praer, 9' make them pray for us with joy, verfe. 4. Though Simon Magee intreated Peter to pray for him, yet having no en- couragement, we do not read that he did, or if he did, he could not doe it with any confidence, A51..8,24. Againe, Fini, le t us pray for our felves, z King.zo,r, ifwe would have others to pray for us, verf.4. Secondly, we muff not differ/able with the children of God, when we pray them to pray for us, Ier.42, 20. Thirdly, we mutt not live in any knowne finne, leaf' the Lord fay to his people, doe not pray for fùch, and lock up their hearts, ler.7, r6. Fourthly, vvë mutt humble our felves to them, if we have thought evill of them in our hearts, Numb.2r,7. confider, Firlt, if Ave be Saints, the caufe may be fùch, that God will not pardon us, except other Saints joyne, beut.p,zo. Secondly, the Saints of God are marvellous willing to doe it for us, t Sam.1 z, z 3. Q. t 7o. Whereas our Saviour teaeheth mite ray ; As wee forgive them that trefpaff again fl ut; What is it to forgive one another? A. It includeth foure things ;; fidi, to forbeare one another. withholding our felves from revenge, Cet.3,15. which is no Putillanimity, but a vi&orious grace, Rom. t 2,21. It is to over- come our felves, which is more then to take a City, Prov.16, 32. and to overcome the malice of our enemies, and to moliifie their hearts, r Sam.24,17 and to overcome the right way, which is by Patience, and not by rendring quid for quo Prov. 24,29. Secondly, to root out all delire of revenge, not onely to tolerate for want of a handfome opportunity to revenge, but to doe it from the heart, M i.r S,; 5. for it mull be with love, which proceeds not onely trNm the heart ; for fo we fee Drun- kards will forgive one another, but alto from a pure heart, 1 Tim.x,5. Betides, wee mua forgive and forget when people fay, 3 forgive, but 3 cannot forget ; this is a filly ford veneffe, like Ephraim, a filly Dove without a heart,Hof,7,r4. Againe, wee mull dot it with earning bowels, as :Welsh forgave his M z Brethren,