Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

_._.-- 1 f9I Of the Lords Prayer. Brethren, bee wept and melted towards them, Gcn.50,r.7. Thirdly, to bee ready notwithftanding to performe all offices of love, verf..24. To blefre them that curie us, and to pray for them that fpite us, Math.5,44. for God is good to his enemies, ver f 45, and hereby wee Phew that he is our Father, verf:48. Publicans can love them, that love them, verf.47. Befides,rf that be all, wee have our reward and can looke for none from God, verf.46. Fourthly, to forgive universally all wrongs to our perfóns, AEh.7,6o. to ournà z Santa 9,2 3.. and debts too, when the debtor is not able to pay, at submits, l'hilem. 18. Nay, the greater the wrong is the greater i roar glory to forgive, Nam. s 2/13. Q. r 7 t . Seeing a Souldier may kill his Enemy in a lan+- full warre, and yet love him, as farre as the Law binds infuck a cafe ; fo may a man goe to law with his Brother, without breach of Charity or the duty of forgiving, when hjs ends are right : Tell me then what theft ends bee, that may Rand with love? A. Firfl, to demand ones right, when one is called to demand it, Luka8, 3. Now right is not contrary to love, but agreeáble, unto true judgement, l fa. r o, s . Secondly, to amend and hum- ble the party nocent ; and therefore the Magiflrate is Paid to be a Minitler for good, Rom. r 3,4. Thirdly, that others may heare and feare, and may not doe the like, Deut.t9,zo. Fourthly, that the party damnified,and others too may live in peace ; and this is the reafon why we thould pray for Magdlrates, t T im. 2,2. but provided ; firtl, That it bee done in love, r Cor.t6,14 and not with recompencing evill for evils, Ram.t 1,17. pro - vided, fecondly, It bee done wi out offence, t Cor.6,r Pro- vided, thirdly, The party wronging be able to make farisfaelion, as for example in debts ; for if the party bee not able, and yet fubmits, it is cruelty to ufe the law againf{ fuch a one, z King. 4,r. provided, Fourthly, that going to law, be our lafà and utmofi remedy, when people will prefently goe to law, re- fufing to take wrong or to be tryed by private agreements, this is