Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. is unchrtfl'ian, 1 "Cor.6,7. provided, Fifthly, that the wrong be not fit to be put up ; in this tare Pau! appeales to (Vat., Xi. 25,11. for as the Apoflle layes in another calè, fo we may lay in this, the law is good if any man ufe it lawfully, i Tim. i,8. private revenge is wretched. Fidl, becaufe vengeance is mine layes God,Heb.ro,3o, and the Lord is the avenger, r Thejj,4 6, Secondly, wherefore lerves the Magiflrate? he is ordained of God to punifh evill doers, r Pet, 2,14. againe, Firfl it is ones excellencíe to forgive, Mtch.7,i 8, Secondly, it is a note of a bleffed man, Math.5,7. Thirdly, humane locicty cannot well be without it for we are apt to wrong others and have need that they fhould forgive us, and therefore fhould be ready to forgive them, forgive and yee (hall be forgiven, Luk,6, B7, Fourahly, it is necef ary to refill our wicked heart, now not to forgive, proceeds from the wickedneffe of ones heart, Math. 18,32. Q.172. What is the meaning of that As; as we forgive them their trefpaffe againff as ? A. It doth not lignifie a patterne or a rule, or dire &ion as it doth in the third Petition, Math,6, io. for we would be glad that God would forgive us, better then we can forgive one an- other, There be no works like unto his works, 'P(a1.86,8. nei- ther doth it import that we can forgive one another, before God hath forgiven us, Naha 3,3 2. for Gods forgiving of us PHI, is an enabling caufe of our forgiving one another, as Gods love to us, enables us to love him, i John.4,19. Secondly, it is a motive caufe too, Math.18,3 3. Thirdly, it is evidenced unto us by our forgiving one another, as a caufe by the effe&, Math. 6,24. and yet we mufl, Fir(l, forgive one another, before wee can entreat the Lord to forgive us, Luk,11.4. but this fame As, loth imply that there muff be a refemblance betweene Gods forgiving of us, and mir forgiving one another, Fph.4, 3z. that is, Firíl, wee mull frankly forgive, Luke 7,42. Secondly, always, as often as we pray Mark,r 1,25. which mull be M 3 conti- i 93