1 94 Of the Lords Prayer continually, 17heff.5,17. nay, though they be our enemies and do not yet repent of their wronging ofus,Luk:z. ;, 34. how mach more if they do repent ? Lukf.17,3. Yea, we muff forgive others, as Chril.hath forgiven us, w hat everthe quarrell.. be,Colef.3,13. Q. 173, What doth our Saviour teach at to pray, Lead red not into temptation, immediatel after preying for the Forgive - nejfes eon?' finnes ? A. For two reafons. Firfi, becaufe forgi e of an and grievous temptations are infeparable companions ; á true peni- tent perfon is moli baited by Satan, he needs not trouble im- penitent perlons, for he hath them fure enough already, and therefore commonly he lets them be quiet, Luk.11,21. Sergius Paulno no fooner believed, but the Divell flirted up Vitt/as againf{ him,AaU.13,8. When a man begins to turne unto God, the Devil fufpedis he is one of Chrifis feed, and therefore he labours to bruife his heele, that he may not goe on Gen.3,15. and to devour him, Rev.1 2,4. he hath experience of prevail- ing againfi divers good beginners, Johu.6,66. and Paul was afraid he had prevailed againa the Csrinthianr, 2 Cor,11,3. Againe,the fpeciall providence is in it, to humble the foule and therefore he made David roare before he would forgive him, Pfni.32,3. And therefore it is a ligne, when people know not what grievous temptations meanes, the Dwell holds diem captive at his will, 2 Tim.2,26. for he delires to aft all that have got out of his clutches, Luk.a2, 31. againe, when people are not fmitten in cotrlèience and tempted, it is a ligne the word does not worke, for if it work, it cuts like of word, Hob4,1 24 Secondly, becaufe forgiveneffe of finne and yeelding to.tempta- tions, cannot !land together, Cant.S, 3. For firfi, the grace of forgiveneffe teacheth a man not to yeeld to finne, Tit.2.11,11. Secondly, pardon of finne and grace not to goe on is finne, are coupled together in the Covenant of grace 3er, 31,3 3. Third- ly, they are coupled together in reafon, Pfadq 1,4. Fourthly, s forgive-