Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. 19 5 £orgivenefre, makes one love God, and fó not be tempted away from him, Lulu 7,42. nay Fiftly, God will not forgive nor acquire upon other tearmes, but that wee (hall labour againd. temptations to:fin, job 1 0,14. When we labour for Forgive- ¡ ne(le, except wee meane to be godly, our labour is in vaine, job.9,a9. God will nót heare, lfa,s 9,2,. Q. 174. what it Temptation, and how many fold? A, Temptation is a proofe, P..fal.95,9, or a tryall to fee what is in one, or what one will doe, t Pst.4. r z, Temptation is of different nature according as it is ufed, fotnecimes good, Gen,z2.r. fometimesbad, r Corinth.7.5. Fief, God is laid to tempt, to try what is in a inane heart, Deut,8.z. what grace is in man, Pfal.ro5.19. what corruption, 2 Chron.32.31. Nay fómetimes hee tempts a man in his juff judgement tofinne, z Sarrr.z4, e. This he does in a'righteous manner, for otherwile hee cannot be faid to tempt any, lam.i, t 3, properly it is a mans luti that doth tempt him to finne, verfe 14. Secondly, the Di- yell is faid to tempt, lifath,4.r. by putting motions into the heart, John r 3. a, by thruling of importunate thoughts and s which provoke unto fnne, 1 Chron.zi ,l. by prefen- tmg ofobjeats before one, Luke 4.5. and egging to take them, verfe 6. by Petting a difcouraging looke upon afflictions, t Thef, ;.5. by prefentirg occafions, Math,4,3. fpeaking in the mouths of friends. Math, 6,2,3. Thirdly, men are faid to tempt too, John g.6. Firf+. they tempt God, either upon good ground to help their Faith, ludg. 6.37. and Ahaz finned be- caufc hee would not tempt God thus, Ifa,7.12. or in a wicked wife, A(s As when a man diflrufs God, and ufeth un- warrantable meanes,Matk.4,7. and when a man Cranes in any otheé kind, rCor.so.9. eitheragainfi God er his Meffen;ers, .Exod.17.2. Secondly, men tempt themlèlves eyther well, by a warrantable proving what is in them, a Corinth.' 3.5, or ill, 1)y putting themfelves upon danger, loath, 26.58. Thirdly, men tempt others, and that eyther well to prove a brother, whether