i Of the Lords Prayer. whether bee be the man that he feemes, Reve1. z.z. or ill, to draw him into Gn, Gen. 3 g.7. or inconveniences,Matb. z 2, IS. Q.175. What is a Temptation to flame? .f. There be foue thins that concutte in. it. Fiat, it fuppo- Beth fiexibleneffe in the party tempted when the party is tnnce- able,Sam. t.1 q . And therefore a frigide man cannot be temp- ted to Adultery, but one that hat in him Math.5.zil. The bleffed Angels cannot bee tempted to fin it ; becaufe they are confirmed in Grace, and fo was Chrift as too ; and yet there is an intrinfecall flexibleneffe in every Creatùre, and in that refpe& the bell creature may bee capable of a tempta- tion, Math.4.1. but God is not at all, lam, r .l 3 Second- ly, it fuppofeth a baite to take the party with, Prov.6,z 5. When a man hath fume booty by Gnne, either the getting of force feetning good, as in allurements ; as Judas got thirty pieces of Giver, Matb.z6,15. or prevention of tome evill, as in temp- t ations of feare or (lime, or the like, Galat.6,1 z. when a man finnes without a baite, bee does not (inne out of temptation ; and therefore his fume is the worfe, Ez.e4,.i6,34, much more when a man looses by his fin, Aar z 3,1 z. Thirdly, it fuppo- fee a trying what the party will doe,z Chron.32,31. Whena man layes a baite before one, as for example, a alilling or fo in a corner where a thievith fervant may fee it; and conceive it is forgotten, to try whether bee will,f1ealit ; as the Priefis offe- red the Souldiers money to try whether they could get them to bely the dileiples of Chrifl,Matk.z8, t z. Fourthly,it fuppofeth awicked mind, or intention in the tempter ; and therefore God cannot tempt any, lam.1,13. but the Divell, Matb,4,t or finfull men, such onely tempt,11e&.15, 37. Wherefore tempta- tions, are shrewd things to us, Ga1.6 s. for firfi, they may move us to fin, though otherwife we would never have committed it ; may be Jacob would never have told a lye, but being temp- ted of his mother, hee did; lien.17,v4, Secondly, they may move us to fin, when we have vowed and llrongl), purposed not