Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. 97 not to yeeld ; how many finoes was David tempted and drawne to commit, and yet hee had fworne he would not, P fal. 119, 106. Q. t 78, What off do pm make of this, that Temptations are fo dangerosu ? A. Firlt to teach us not to tempt any, Prov.t 6,29. Second- ly, ro be careful! we doe not confcnt, when we are tempted, Prov. ¢,1 o. Thirdly, rn loop our heart with all diligence, Prov. 4,23. for fin docta eafily befet us, and tempt us, He6.z rsa. Firft, we mull give the tempter a peremptory denial! at fir(!, Matb.4, Io. Secondly, we mull back our denials, with refiftance, Isms. 4,7. Thirdly, and what though we have refilled againe and amaine ? we have not refilled unto blond, Hob. r 2,4. and there- fore we mull continue refitting with ftedfallneffe, 1 Pet.f,9, Fourthly, we mutt looke upon temptations as warners again({ our fouls, that fo we may abftaine from yeelding to them ; counting our felves firangers upon the earth, and fuch as have nothing to doe to be paddling in the world, Pet.a,t 1. Fifdy, we mutt give no advantage to S athan, a Çarin.2,5 r . neither by giving him matter, a Cor.7,5. nor occafion, Ga1.5,r 3. nor any pretence, Exed.ro,26. nor by want of obfèrving his houre, ' Rm.3,r o. nor by making provifion for the fiefh, Rows. r ;,r4. Sixthly, we mull take unto us the whole armour of God, Epb.6,13. knowing the Divell bath many wiles, vtrfe.t r. having on us the girdle of truth, the breall-plate of righteouf- neffe,verf..14. the preparation of theGofpell of peace, verfe. Is. the lhield of faith, verfe. 1 6. the helmet of falvation, and the fword of the fpitit, verft.r7. praying with all prayer, verf. 18. and humbling our felves : and in particular for our originali corruption ; David went to that, when he law he had bin temp- ted to Adultery and Murder, Pfal.cr,5. keeping our felves from vaine company, Pfal.r r 9,115. taking heed of melan- choly', labouring toóe chearefull, Prev.17,22. not to be too folitary, fec1.4,ao. N R; t77