92. ( O f the Lords Prayer. g,,,177. Is a man ,naturally under the power of Temp - Itatiom ? A. Yea, the flesh is too weak to refill. it, .j3latb.26,4t . and fo is the heart, Ez,eka6,3o. an inticing word is able to enforce us, Prov.7,21. Firil becaufe our will is naturally prong fet to the things of this life; as cafe, and credit, and friends, and riches, dec. 1 Tim.6,9. yea and to finne it felfe, naturally we cannot team: fr it, z Pet.14. Secondly, be- caufe naturally wedo not love t r mandements of-God, nor any faving truth ; and therefore the nptation that contes to draw us from it is ilrong, z Theff. 2.1 oil, Thirdly, our minds naturally are without knowledge of the danger, Prov.9,18. and therefore temptations are sweet to us, verf r7. from hence we may fie, that woe is them that are in the flesh, becaufe they are fo fubje& to pleafe their owne felves, that they cannot pleafe God, Rom.8,8. Againe, the Saints hence fhould labour to get their natures healed more and more, be- caufe they have Rill Tome remainders of brutifhneffe, whereby they are fubjea to be tempted by fenfe, Pfal.73,22, fgnes of perfons under the power of temptations ; are firer, to be ufually flirted up by them, aKing.z1,z5. Secondly, when the Divell and his infruments can undertake to overcome them by temptations, a King.z2,21. Thirdly, when the Divell like a thong man can do it with cafe, without any a do, he can lead them hand- linooth, Lobs.' a,2t. Fourthly, when they can endure the firer itchings of temptations without rooting of them our, z Tim.4, 3. Fifthly, when they can pray with cafe, and heare with café, and be in company with cafe, and alone with cafe, they are not put to it, whereas Paul went groaning .up and dówn, /4m.7,z4. Q. 178. ¡s it- any excufe, to fay we were Tempted ? A. No, for Eft, the Commandement calleth for obedi- ence, though we be never fo much tempted to difobey it ; Tempra