Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. Tern ptations doe not weaken the bond of Gods law, Pray. z 'to . Secondly, the fiat leffon of the Golpeil telleth us, we ate not for Chriíls turne, except we will deny all temptation, yea though felfe doe tempt idle, Lu4,.9,23. Thirdly, fin is of a damning nature though all the temptations in the wotld con - curre to egge us to it, though feare, though Blame, &c. Ls.k9. 26. Fourthly, There's no thanke in that obedience, that we have no temptations to draw us from; but bleffed is hee that endureth Temptation ,am. r, z 2. Fiftly what excufe can that be, when the vcry temptations themfelves come from our own lulling hearts, jam. 5,5 5. or elfe we put our felves upon temptations ; as firft, by not marrying in-the Lord, a King. t 1,4. Secondly, by being idle and out ofourcahings, as David was upon the roofe of his houle, 2 Sam.11,2. Thirdly, by putting our (elves upon dangerous callings ; as keeping of an Inne, or an Ale-houfe, in this cafe wee fhould fay as Chrifa faid, who made nie a Judge ? La k z 2.14. Fourthly , by going about a 'tions without warrant, as Dinah, Gen 24 e. or by being in tempting places without ground , as Peter , Math. 26, 69. Fiftly, by not keeping the communion of Saints, when wee may ; what tempted 7homes to unbelicfe. but his abfence from the fociety of his fellow Apofllcs ? Job.2o,24. Sixthly, by doing that which another may lawfully do, yet as things (land, we may not lawfully do it. Abraham might Tooke to- wards Sodom , Gen 19, 28. but Lot 'nought not, verfe.r7. God does not forbid every man the commmng neere the hoof of a Whore, for Tome can go dole by her doore without any temptation to goe in, but force he does,Prov.5,8. But if a man have a calling, to a ffatioh full of temptations he is in Gods way, which is ürength to the upright, Prow. so;29. the Angels take charge of the Saints, wile they are in their way, Pfal.91, z 1. Though Ahábs honk were a houle full of temptations, yet Obadiah having a calling to be there ; feared the Lord greatly, z King. / 8, 3. 9, 179, Why Bath God permit men to 6e tempted ? N a A. That 99