too Of the Lords Prayer, A. That he does permit men to be tempted, is plaine in the exampie of Eve, z Cor.i e, ;. and of Hezekiab, z Chron. 3253 1. and fpeciallyof thewicked, AEf.14,16. and therea.. ions are, firfl, becaufe he is not bound to keep men from being tempted, he made man upright, tccl.7,29. Secondly, becaufe he may juffly doe fo, feeing men have finned againft him ; as when Ifrael had fpared the Canaanite: contrary to his command he left them to be 'tempted by them, Jxde.3,1. Chrift left Peter CO be tempted by a da, 1 for he prefumed of his ftrength, Math,a4,3 3. and therefore, let us pray, Lord, leave of not, Pfäl27,9 If we be, foiled at an " io ,we may thank our own felves, for he bath made, us a protnife, not to fuffer us to be tempted, above what we are able, r Cor.t o,r 3. and therefore we wrong our ;own foules, if we doe not fly to it, and fue it r_,rth, for if wee be his, he bath Paid ; He will not fuffer our foot to be moved, Pfal.rzr,8. againe, Secondly, let us Watch, Math.z6,41. If he doe but leave us to be tempted, and to grapple with Temptation, we are gone, if he fhould but fuffer our feet to flip, they will flip for certaine ; and therefore let us watch towards him, who hath laid bee will not fufferrthem,Pfal.66,9. Thirdly, let us beware leafi we pro- voke God to permit us to temptation, let us take heed we be not joyned to a lull, for then God will 1áy, Let them alone, Hof.4,17. Fourthly , this is a comfort , that we cannot be tempted, except God permit; No, not by Sathan, lob 7,7 2. God bath Sathan in achaine, lob z,6. bee can doe nothing' except Chrif} give him leave, Mar(.I. Q, t80. How (hall wee know, whether a temptation flora from our felves, or from Sathan? A. This queflion is fomewhat dangerous, for any evill, yea Blafphemy it idle may proceed from our owne heart, Math.t S, t 9, and yet it is forme ligne it is from Sathan ; firfl, when a man is tempted to that which he is naturally averle from Math. 4,6. Secondly, when the temptation is fitddain, like