Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. let like a flafh of Lightning, L4,44. Thirdly, when the tempta- tion comes without any coherence with that which one was thinking upon, Sathan cares not what he molefleth one with, for he Lands at ones right hand there ready for the nonce, Zilch. 3,5. Fourthly , when a temptation is in a hurrying manner, skipping from one thing to another when it is with im- portunity; like filmier Flies upon a tore, or a Bald-head, when it is as though it would never -a done, Luke,4,z. Fiftly, when it is with the delufion of the fenfes, Math.4,8. Now the way to beat the Divell off, is not rayle to at him,Jude 9. but firff by Faith, t Pet.s,g. Notby a naked quoting of Scrip - turc ; for he will quote Scripture himfelfe and put a falfe gloffe upon the farne, Lsk.4,so. but Secondly, by fo quot- ing it, as to cleave by obedience unto, it, verf. z 2. not by mak- ing of croflès on our breft; for how can that drive him away, when Chrifts owne bodily prefence did not feare him away verf9. but thirdly, by a noire and peremptory deteffaticn of his motions, to abandon him, verf.$, and fourthly, by can - (idering that Chrilf was in all points tempted as we are, (inne onely excepted, He6.4,1 S.' and fiftly, though the Divell can find a great deale of matter for him in us, yet he could find nothing in Chrift, joh.14,3o. Sixtly, by looking at the end that the Lord will make, Jam. ç,t i. for though Sathan be not under our feet, yet he fhortly (ball, Ron./ 6,2o. zst. Whether doe thefe two claufes Lead us not into temptation but deliver tas from all evill,.makf but one Petition ? A. Fir n, it matters not much, whether theymake but one or no ; for it is a ligne of Pride to (rive about words, z Tim.6, 4. Secondly,'eis more likely that they make but one Petition, and that is, as our Saviour fummes both the claufes up in one, that our heavenly Father would keepe us from the evill, Ioh. 17,5 y. For heft, the one claufe is Negative, and the other is Affirmative; now the Negative and Affimative make but one N 3 truth, ar