lot Of the Lords Prayer. truth. As we fie in this paf'age. Thor fruit dye and not live, Ifa,38,1. Secondly, our Saviour doss not put them downe copulatively, Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evill; for then they mought have ibme colour of being two ; but he unites them with a But, as though the fitfl were not a whole Petition without the fecond, Lead us not into temptation, but deliver as from evill, Lu1Z; i 1,4. Thirdly, it is enough to fay, it is one Petition conf,.f#1n, of two parts, The one for pre- venting Grace, to prevent us tro ailing into evill, the other for recovering Grace ; that at the frirt . we fall into evill, yet howfoever .the Lord would deliver us or -cording to that of the Pfalmifl, Pfal.37,a4, Fourthly, that coíaceipt of the Papifls to make leaven Petitions in the Lords Prayer, according to the number of the fèaven Graces of the Spirit, is but frothy, for there be many more graces of the Spirit. His grace is manifold, I Pet.4.t o. Q. iga. Becaufe tbtr left elaufe fheweth that we are naturally under the power of evill. whereof the Divill is the Captaine ; thew me then, hove that naturali men are under the Power of the Divell ? 1l, He bath his Shop-houfe in all the children ofdibbedi- ínce,and he worketh in them, Ephe%a,z. yea, he raignes and rules in them ; for the Divell bath his Kingdonie, and in whom hath he it, if not in them, Math.t 2,26. For firft, the Lord the jefl Judge turnes them over to the Divell, becaufe they will not be ruled by him ; therefore the Divell !hall have them, to rule over them ; yea he (hall be their God, though they be blind and fee no (itch thing, z Cor,44. and bee gives the Divell charge over them, as he gives the good Angels charge over the godly, P fal.9z,s s. Secondly , becaufe the Divell can find none that will doe his workes, but onely them, 3eh.8 44. and therefore great is their mifery ; for fir(t, they are his Slaves, and he holds them captive at his will , a Tim.a,26. Secondly, I they are fo tyrannized over and kept under by him, that he will not