Of the Lords Prayer, le 3 not let them looke after Heaven, or any good to any purpofe, he doth oppreffe them, .its ro,38. Thirdly, hee bath power over their death, that they (hall never dye well, though they feeme to dye never fo well, Fleb.a,14. Fourthly, he leads them, though they little thinke it, he that Lyeth, little thinkes bee, that the Divell filleth his heart, and yet he doth, Ras 5, 3. Idle perlons and tatters, r 7ias.5,t3, lutte thinke they, that they turne after Sachan, and yet they doe, verfe r 5, he that committeth Gnne, little thinkcs he, that hee is of the Divell, and yet he is rid,. 3,8. enemies of righteoufneffe, they little thinke that they are the children of the Dwell, and yet they all be, Aas 13,10. For firfl, the Divell is a Spirit ; and there- fore he canbe in the wicked, and they never fpy it, Revel. r 6,14. Secondly, bee can transforme himfelfe into an Angell of light ; and therefore he can make them believe, he is a good Spirit, ZCor.rr,i¢. R. r g3. Are there no more evils that wee have need t e be delivered fro ? A, Yes, the whole world is full of evils, Joh.r7,15. we can walke in no waybut there be many evils attending upon it to defile us, and happie is he that is undefiled with them, Pfal, 119,1. We can not tread one fep, but there be evils ready to have dominion over us, except the Lord deliver us there -from, verfe 13, 3. Firfl, in our outward Callings,, as we are in dan- ger in being overmuch, or not enough in them, of favouring them too much ; fo that we cannot favour the Words the Sacraments,and Sabboths, for flefhly feare and díl1ruf;, grafping too many things, Improvidence, hampering our felves with the wicked ; fo that happie is hee whole God is the Lord,for he is faithfullto keep one from the evill, a 7heff. 3,3. Secondly, inProfperity, wee are apt to thinke we (hall dye in our nefl, Job ag,s2. hoping it will not end yet nor yet, we are apt to be vaine and delicate and tender, and unhardy; to forget the 3}l1iaionsof,3ojtpb,to be felfe- confident, to prize heaven the leffe,