Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer, I Jos us take notice that our deliverance commeth from him; and let him have a long of Prailè, Tfal.3z,7. Fourthly, let us labour to be luch, as he may be willing to deliver; as firfl, let us fee our felves utterly undone without him, 2 Chron,20,I z, Secondly, let us climbe up ro mount'Sion ; Deliverance dwells there, 10042,32. Thirdly, let us le[ our (elves to be holy, abaci. 17. Fourthly, let us be importunate with God not ro tarry long before he deliver, Pfal.4o,i7. and yet Fiftly, wait too, till he is pleated to deliver, Lam.3,26. Sixthly, let us looke to the Holy one, lfet. ;r,r. Sevencbly, if any deliverance be offered any other way; let us not accept it, He6,11,35, the Lord doth deliver. Firf, by keeping away the evill , Job,33,17. Secondly, by removing it away when it is come, Pfa1.51,14. Thirdly, by difanulling the force of the evil!, D,,,3,27. or the hurtfulnefle of it, Mark: 16,xS., Fourthly, by altering of the nature of ic, and turning it ro good, Gen, 50,20, Fiftly, by taking one away from the evill, 2 King.22,a0, which few men doe confider, Ifa.57,1. And therefore fir/(, God bath more wayes to deliver his people then one, Pfal.44,4. Secondly, though never fo many wayes of Deliverance be blockt up, yet let Faith fay, God bath another way yet, Eflcr.4,14. for God' is skilful(, and well veal in delivering his, 2 Pet.2,9, Thirdly, let our Faith be indiffèrent ; may be God will be with us in trouble, and that is a deliverance, Pfal,9 rç. may be God will keepe us in it, and that is a deliverance, Pfal. 25, 20. may be he will keepe us. from finking, and that's a deliverance too, Pfal.69,14. Q. r 81. What doe you !tam fromtheft words, For thine is the Kingdome, the Power, and the Glory? A. That Prayer is to be puffed with arguments, as Mofes his Prayer was, Ekod,;2.11,I a,13. fo was API's zC'hron.14., 11. Firff,becaufe God is a God, of infinite underftanding, and therefore when we fpeake unto him, wee had need to fpeake reafon, 106,13,3. Secondly, becaufe Prayer is a pleading, which '