Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

a®ó 1 Of the Lords Prayer, 'which muff be full of good reafons, Job.a3,4. Thirdly, be- caufe Prayer is a main part of Gods fervice, which is reafon- able, Rom I z,t. for even a mortall man [lands much upon reafon, Job.3 a,t I. much lefie hath the wile God delight in fooles, Ecc1.,4..Therefbre fiat, wee fhould well ponder our Prayers, before wee-doe pray them, David calls his Prayers bis meditations, Pfal.s,t. wee muff ponder upon what ground we come to God, otherwit e will fend us away without hearing, Iudg.Io,14. we tnu i p r what corrcfpondeney we have with him ; otherwife he will ìn s of Impudence, for our cornming into his Courts, , f er.t t ,I S. wee Pray to him rightly, God (ayes, Come let us reafon together,Ifa. r, iB. Secondly, hence we fee that wicked men, be they never fo learned, and gifted in Prayer, yet they cannot Pray, for lacke of Spirituali reafon, they are unreafonable men,, a 7hef..3,2. That is a comfort to good Chrillians, that have the Lords attri- butes all on their fide, for God will be lure to beare fuch, loh. 9,31. Hence it is that they doe not faint in Prayer, as others doe; becaule their reaibas are never exhaufr, they have Rill more and more reafon, Luk; ig.e,7. Jacob had Inch reafons that he would not let the Lord goe, Gcn.3a,26. The Prophet Iffiah his mouth could never be fl opt, he had frill more and more to fay, and preffe the Lord with, Ifa.42,I . and therefore, firs), when we have a good argument, we fhould lie a tugging 1 with it, and follow it hard, as Iofhua.did, 3ofh.7.6,9. Secondly, when our arguments kettle to be anfwered, we fhould recover 'them againe, Math.r §.az,a 3 ,z4 EJNJS.