Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

the greatefl Sel f -rxurder. 57 live; and yet come to this Saint and that Saint; him tbeu wiltbare; him ? He is the ver left hypocrite in the Country, and keepes more adJe then needs. Thus thy will is good to a company of metaphyficall Saints in the clouds ; but thofe that are Gods Saints in particular, thou mockellf.1 be Hubborne againft the Commandements of God ? I will not be Hubborne againft them; yea but this andthat Com- mandement thou wilt not ebfervr.T hou wilt not thinke bees of them of whom thou fhouldft, nor take up that care Hoge in meetings that thou fhouldf ; thou haft a good will to the Commandements in affetlian , but thy will Hands againft the particularsof tbem.Generalls are butNa- tions, when they are abflratiedfrom the particulars. And therefore thy will is but a Notion:thewill when it willeth indeed, willeth particulars, this particular duty, this par- ticular Ordinance. Indeed good in the generall is the objetì of the will,but when the will comes to will in the exercife ofit,it pitcheth on particulars. Fifthly, thou haft no true will, I fpeake Hill to the car- nail, I fay thou haft no true will , becaufe if thou truely didit will, thou couldfi; if thou did ft truely will to believe, and will to be a new creature thou couldft ; for the will it hath potentiam executivam fo farce as it will,&c. I t hath an executing power to goe fo far as it wills; if thou didft truely and really will to fpeake holy, thy will would make thy tongue to put it in execution. If thou hadli a will, thy will would command execution,my tongue (hall fpeake the praife oftbe Lord, (ayes David , Pfal. 1 19.171, x72. my foule it (hall praife tbee,verf.175 . I grant the wool- ding of the will goes further then all execution emn goe, to will is prefent with me,but how to perfarme that which is good, I find not, Rom.7.18.I quote this place the rather, becaufe many wreft it to their own defiruction. Oh fayes a wicked man, i have a good will,l would as Paul (ayes, but I cannot performe, thus men mif- interpret this place, for looke loom far Paul would, be could performefor the will bath potentiam executricem and an imperative force over g the When carnali men can dif- cover no other blemifh in the Saints, then they charge them with hy- pocrifie.