Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

the greatffl Self murder. Name, verfe 1. So it thou wert willing, thy will would command all thy foule , foule, thou limit not be fo fel- dome at the throne of grace as thou art, &c. thus much of the fecond objeLtion drawn from the will. Objeiion the third. But thou deferefl to doe it, and therefore thou doll not fiicke at a will not. I anfwer thee,wha can tell hell what it in thee , God or 3 Objelt. thine own heart? verily-the Lord that did make it,is like. anfwered. lieft to know belt. Now the Lord fayes peremptorily thou defireft not grace ; yea and thy heart (ayes it too, and the Lord hearts its though thou hearth it not; they fay unto God depart from us , we e f re not the knowledge of thy wayes,10b, z 1. 04. Nevertheleffe,becaUfe thou han- deft fo fioutly upon it, that thou doeft deire grace, Ile tell thee the reafon of thy miflake. Firft, thou haft putative or thinking defires, thou thin- k' fl thou defireft, and therefore thou art iniftaken ; like Seneca's young feholler, that faid he defired to be good. I _toe not fay, faith he, he lies,but putst fe cupere,He thinker Lae deft rev; fo thou fayeft thou defireft. I will not fay thou !yer,,bitt thou thinkft thou doeft fo;now alas thy thoughts are the v.aineff things in the World. How long )ball vain Vanic of hougrh,s judge within thee. Ier.4 14. thy thoughts are thoughts. very vain, there is no trolling to them Naaman thought, 2 Kings 3.3 r. I thought,faith he,but how wide his thought was the Ifory declares. Haman thought,he thought in his heart =layes Eher 6.5. the Text, hut hit thoughts came to nothing but a Gal- lowfe and a Halter. I(bbihenos thought, but you know what his thoughts did come unto ; it fellrowle on his own head, nothing is more vain then the thoughts of earn all mens h -_arts : fo thou thinkeft thou defireft , alas thy thought is but vanity. Secondly, thou haft ignorant defires, thou doll delire to be one of Gods Saints, thou defireft it ignorandy;for K . wbei__