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) . I' o.f RELIG!r;JN. . 77 ) poffible Ground to queftion this. •I. That . the s~riptnre is faithful and true .in fo \ great r' a Difcovery. 2. _That there 'is a · divine Spirit; and a~ower ahotre Nature, which accompanies the fa.tne in fuch a ·, Change. 3. rfhat there are furel y, con– trary States in anbther World, when · they are fo undeniably manifeft .here. _ . I . Queft. Ill. But can fo great a;z Expq– rime'!t of Rehgion, as that ofCotntnuni– on betwixt God and Men, here upon · Earth, be 1nade rationally cotrvincing t(J .fuch, as 'qr~ thentfe/yes Strangers ther~- ' to; and for a further co11:fir;ning of the Chrijlian·Faith? · ' / . 4 I .1nfw. Tho' th~s be an Experitnent of d1v1ne Truth, of a lnore tranfcendent .Intereft and Value, than all, that ever ;were in Nature, . yet it is no 1efs evident_, and Jhere can ·be no poHible Delufio;l hereih, if, · · I. ' rfis that to \vhich fo innnn1erable a Cornpany, bears ·refti'mony, and hath fet -down the fame, as that \\ 1 hich ·not · ~nice · or t-wice they have approved, but ~n the continued 1'rial of their Life. , G 3_ II. That , ·. •