Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

·so The co1!firnzing Jl7ork I • Power, · tho' Men fhoulcl flee )to the ut~ I termoft Parts of the Earth~ but cloth it enforce the Soul to a RefleC!ioit on itfelf, / even when it trembleth at that Sight. 11. That it caufeth great Fear ·and Horror npon the Comtnitment of fecret Sins, when no Dread of human Witnefs, or of vifible Hazard this Way .could oc... cafion it. I Ill. That it adtnits no Vjolence in any to out--dare the fatne; but is . a Power that the greateft Monarchs :find to be flronger than' they ; .and is ·fuch, tf1at thefe oft are enforced for 1)refent Eafe . and Relief, either' to divert, or ·bribe the ' .__.faine, hy fome falfe, Grout!ds of ~eace. IV. ,1,hat it conftrains Men to juftify . GOD, and judge thenifelves, (\vhen his Hand cloth purine them,) and to find out their Sin, and Guilt; which was before hid. -~ V. That .it n1akes Men alf0 afraid to 1 be alone with themfelves; and to tre1n.! .ble at .the ·Word of Truth, beca 1fe. its ·' Light dpth tormen.~ them , by that una– ·voidable Application which Confcience 1 ' 1nakes hereof · · · VI. Yea, it makes 1\:fens G,uil t fo le:.. .. gible oft in their Counten"nce, (even - when