Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

• • I '86 qhe ·cot!firming Work feffion in fuch, as the Spirit of God, . doth not ~ore clearly 1nove for their. Refcue, than· thofe do to crofs that blef. fed Defign ·of the Gofpel. . V. ' There are non.e that are ferious in tqe Truth and Life of Religion, but find themfelves purfued by fuch an Adverfa.. 't:" ; . and hav~ as difcernably anotner Party trnan themfelves, or the World to " con~itl: with, as .if -they faw them in _a vifible _,Shape~ · · · · ~ VI. That; by the Gofpel, and within the PrecinCl: of the Church, there is dif .. cernably a m_uch greater Reftraint ofSa– tan's Dominion and Power, J.han in all tpe Earth befides .; yea, ihat the Advan· ' "tag~ of being within the .external Cove– nant ot Baptifm, is fo demon_ftrable, that the leaft yieldipg or Tendency to a renouncir_,g of the fa me, o.r any Acts of Homage; for making Ufe of ~is . Help, hath ever ~ade Way for fome ' mote extt~Qrdinary Power of the Devil ·over fnch than others. VII. 'Thus is a moft undeniable Con.. :fiqnati.on given of an invifible Wo~~, -~ ~u1d of fuch intelleCl:ual Beings there·;as are far ahove Man; yea, and it is plain,. that ~there is an lntercourfe betwixt Men and /