Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

.. 94 The confirn#ng Work . Chrift; w!1ich all_: niay fee tb be the.:firfl: / Fruits of that Harveft which is above. VI. -Rare and tnarvellous a Fran1e of t~e new Man, fet U£ - ~n this lo\ver Re- -· - gton of Grace, 111 fo d1fcernable· a Con– fonnity to the bleffed GOD, and Refetn– blance to another ,State tBan~ here, to . which the World is but as'a Place of Pil- . gdmage, Trial, and a preparatory State only. / ' . YII. Vi~ble Returns ofJoy and Com– fort, Chriftians have after . faddeft Con- ~ ' fliCls and Down-caftings, and fuch Day- 'break of vital quickening Bea·ms of di– vine Light, that have off en been no leis . · evide~:t, than that of the Martyrs at the Stake, who cried out, Now' he is COlTte, he is come. ~ VIII. 1'heir Brea{hiqgs of Love afteJ; :an unfeen Chrift, and vifible _Efletts of jt-s Power on Men, n1ight ihew fotne be- . u . . gun Tranfla~ion Qf th~·Soul fo far herein, as to be more where 1t loves than where 'it lives. .. IX. Tho' we cant1ot fee here, that in· . effabl~ Glory, \Vhich is above, but ihoilld have our Faith inftead of Eyes; ief iuch 1s the Truth of Holinefs, .--as doth not only evidence, but in its O\Vil Na- / ture \ . . •