Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

of RELIGION. 97- ... \ RefpeCt and-Tendency to the fame State and ' Place, and Confederacy in their Judgtne.nt, as .here in thei~ Sin. . . r • IlL Such v1fible Impreffions of vinch- · Clive J uftice are on .l\;fens Souls, with I fuch Horror of Confcience, and uniuf- ' ferable · Tonnents this Way, as jn all .Ages have been known by ·moft remark .... able Inftances, (when not in the leafi: Difte1nper of their natural Reafon,) that may prefent to Mens Senfes fome~ thing of a vifible Hell, as convincing!y, - , as-if one had · rifen from the Dead for the fa1ne. · _ I ~ IV. -A trembling Senfe~ ana Terror of divine Vengeance, ·oft follows ui1'on . horrid Acts bf Wickednefs, and-fo ~minently breaks forth upon a furprizing Sight of Death, that all may fe·e fome ... , thing tnore dreadful herein, than in the Diifolution of Nature; and the Power and prefent Arreft of a futu~e. Judgment , rs tnade vifible in the fame. ' V. There are begun Degrees, o( Blaf– \})heming and Rage againft God, becaufe of his Plagu~s, and· -fu_ch Prodigies of Cruelty e:xe1cifed by Men h'ere in ,the . Earth, a~ tnay ' be evident to . all to be 'more than human, and rather the EffeCts , I ', ' of ' ' \ \~