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., ~24 T'he co1tjir11ting Work S E C r I 0 N IV.' r ~ QU.ESTION. ' l THat is ·. ~)ecia11y called for, t"n this VV . Vay, of fuch as are accountable .f;r fo .grea: a T(llet~t of Light, and Con· ;tr1!1,attons to our .F,atth ? · . Anfw. If this were fuit'I)ly takento – H~art, \ve could.r1ot but reckon ourfelves 1111~er the greateft Exciten1ent and Call, 1'o Juch an ltnprovetnent hereof. · 1. 'fhat We account - i~ ·not enough ·to .. l1av~ a Eaith for quieting ·ou~ ownS1iirits; l)ut alfO to confirm others, ·by putting to our Se~I that God is t~ue, in the great A!- · .. fur~tnces of his Wo~d, and to fanClify hi1n tbefi)re the \Vorld; \Vhich is fo important ' -a ~ l)u_ty, as the Lord was wroth evenwith _ a lv1ofes ancL.Aarott; for one fhort-com:ing, . · · · \V hen he called for the fan1e, Nuptb. XX. . 12. and 'iis fure, in no Titne was fuch a · ' · fi)ecial 'Truft tnore repofed thereon, than 1 in this Age, both as a public Debt on the ·t Church, anJ perfonal on each Chriftian, hovv to witnefs for the Lord, upon that great Intereft of his Faithfulnefs, and\for · tranf- ''