Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

· I ~8 The cof!/irt1ting lf7ork Faithftilnefs · of Gocn as fuch great and ~ extraordinaryConfit1nations given there• · to, novy call for. .. , ( . III. -It is one of the fpec~al Duties of this Day, we ftand alfo accountable for, ho:w to. fle.tn this h~gh ati.d growi_ng Tide of. ~ PreJudice;· and .Rep~oach aga1nft . the ~efortned Religion, which in {ome unu • fuai W:ay is now aloft; and raging; .and, by M-anifeftation of the ~Truth, to gain fotne tnore awful Regard hereof on Mens . Confcience, that they tnay fee fon1ething of the _Glory of rour Profeffion, and in. \V ha-t Manner· it ·tnaintains i!s Conqueft, as na ·way elfe cat1 poffibly claim ; ., I. Which reckons none to be the true and genuine Profeffors hereof, who em– brace not the fame upon Evidence, ·and \vith refpeCl: -to its intrinfic Excellency and Worth ; n,or does judge the Interefi: of Religion to- go by Nutnber and Poll, where th is is wanting; but purfues · that End, to have Men; enga_ged · firft to _be . Chriftians, that they may · be true and :fincere Proteftants ; and therefore can ad" mit no fuch Methods of any bafe Com– J1liance w~th ~~e H_~m.ou.r an~ Inte.refts of ·M_en, .wh1ch 1ts Princ1ples w1ll not bear. - II. \Vhich