Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

· State of a CHRI·s, TIAN~ ·) ' fuch a Manner,-·as needs not .a· new Mi-– .racle to ·confirm the fame. But heknows, ;:hat noSharpnefs of Mens natural Under– tftanding abol.\t the Truth, can ever attain / ,a , true. Reft~ and Settlement of Mind t .herein, without an humble and ferious 'Spirit, ftooping dov,rn bef.ore the W:ifdom of Gdd,- and entring as a little ~ child inte ·I1is School ~ and by that humble Practice .and Obedience of the Gof11el, there is an undoubted cotning up to the greateft :Af... Jurance and cleareft D_etnonitrations o:f thefanue, as Joh!Z vii. 17. 4· He knows, that as. nothing tends 1nore to fhake Mens Spirits, and ftagger , thetn about the Truth, than a light and tranfient View l1ereof, fo ·does the great– eft Eftabliilunent fol1ow~ on the nearefl: Approachby adee.p and feripus Enquiry about fhe fatne ; and .he clear1y fees, that if fucb, w(ho look but at a Diftance '011 the Way · of Religion, did but once co1ne.to ·have their S.i1irits exceed in a more ferious JtefleCl:ion thereon, the ,firft Yiew they , fuould have; ~ould npt but be Matter of ., . Wonder and Amazement ; -' to think what , 'Can fupport a Soul~ in fo ma.rv~Hous a Way, as the Life andPracrice of Cbrio frianity,, which ~s fo vifible above N'\~ tt11e . . ~