Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

Sta_te of a CHRISTIAN: • 9 , i1o other Air, than the Breathings of the ,. higher ..Paradife above, and .,.pow hath · an Eternity __-of Joy and -BJeHednefs before hitn; -that, within a very little Ti1ne, he. :£ha11 know this \Velcotne of our bleffed Recleetner to his Foll(nvers here on the _.J~:arth, Conze ye hlejfed of nty .Father, in– herit the Kingdont'J ·&c. When he fhall take off the Crofs, and put on the Crown, · when it fnall be then no tnore a: Matter of . Faith, ·but of Senfe, ·to be partaker of / -· that Inheritanc·e with the Saints in Light; ~nid know t hqfe J?roper Manfions in~ that State of OlQry, and peculiar Affignment thereunto, which all the Redeemed fball then have; and be_ put in the fatne Rank with the e1ea .Angels; to be as thofe pure Flatnes of Love and Joy; ye-a, know · what it is- to walk in the Streets of the · New 7erufalem, which are t as Gold-, tranfparent as Chriftal; and what tha:t Meeting will be of pis Soul perfected, and , in a t~iu1nphant State, \vith his glbrified . Body, raifecf incorruptible, and never to part any 1nore; and to have his proper Share of that bleffed· ~nd greateft Solem– - nity, that fha11 be celebrated in Heaven; the Marriag1 e-Supper of the Lamb, With .. the w~oler tritatDl)hant Church; and hea~ · B 2 that