Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

X6 A Defcription of.the co1!fir11ted . l)Utation ; and by the exaCleft Rule of di- .vine Juftice, be tnade liable to anf\ver both the whole Duty, and full Penalty .of the . L_aw.; having, as Surety~ betwixt the Cre.. d1tor at1d Debitor, put hjmfelf jn his .People's Rootn, to anfwer the full De– mands thereof; both for Debt and Duty. ' 3· It is here, he does fee, that bleft Confent and H~.rmony _ betwixt the ·· fpotlefs Juftice of God, and his marvel– lous Grace; fo as his Love is to the high... eft. glor_ified, . in that marvellous Way,~whtih fe.cures the full and compleat Satis- . !aCl:~ion of his ~aw, anq .all the Rights. of · r · ll1Vlola·ble J uft1ce. · _ . · · 4· Whilft . he is thus qazled with the . Greatnefs of iuch a Light, and put to en- · (]Dire whatfuch a Myftery can tnean,he is · then further led on to fee, that rare Plot ... . a6d Contrivance of the Cov_fnant of Re.. c.oncili~tion between Go.d and Man, here , ~ · within Time; · to be the very Duplicate; - · / -and 'counterpart -'c)f that eterna~ 'Tranfit.. , c;tion and St~pulatio~1 between the Father and the Son ; and t-h~s fees:wh,atever God / hath declared,~ and promifed in the fortn 4 er to !)is Church, was /firft pro1nifed ~nd fecurect to our bleffed Head in the Cove: ilant of Redemption; wherein, ·as/with a __ · ./ . .. . reverend