Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

2S .A Defcription of the · cotifirmed ~en, (as acts cof his Sovereign Preroga~ hve, 'Nhich 1nake no RuleJ· yet \Vith the "eftablifhed Conftitutions of his · Word,· does the continued Experience _of the . Sair}ts mo~ harn1onioufly ev.er _corref .. panda - - ; . .By confidering thus alfo the Being and Rea1it_y·~f Grace, not in its Effects · only, but in its proper Caufe and Origi· · nal, and how the Truth of Holin~fs in the· · . . · Life of a Chriftian, isfo exprefs a Tr~!1fcript of . the Gofpel, in its external Rer velatio~; ·that' the Imprefs doth not tnore clearly anfwe-r the _Seal on the \Va:x:, than it cloth beget the fatne Fortn and I· mage of ~tfelf 1n fuch as heJi~eve; yea alfo, that ·Confonnity it bears to the ever~ bleifed Archetype, as well as to the re... , -yealed Rule; and, how .bright a Difco– very is this of _fo glorious a Being and Nature, to which 'tis conformed? Who is ~the ·a1o_ne Pattern and Exan1ple of all. Truth and HolinefS; \vhith is {o great a Djfcovery, ~she is.tnade to w9nder, that Men, in this Age, -are fo n1uch awaken.. ed to find out the Jrue Phcenomena of Na· ture, ·(t ho' in its o\vn Room--~ tnoft choice Study, and fpeciall y defir:eable,) and will be as in a Tranfport, upon fame rare I