Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

' State of a CHRISTIAN. ~9 ' rare natural Experitnent, as made one in tl1a t Ma1111er, cry out, /have~ found it, I ha'Ve fozt~td if; whilft · ~ere is ano– ther Kind of Demonftrat1on, and of more tranfcendent Intereft than all t hefe .. could ever amount to, on which the Eyes lof moft are this Day fhut. · 4· By confideritig that unchangeable , .Congruity, \vhich is betwixt the Nature of thefe Things enjoined in the whole In– fiitutions of the Gofpel, and Men's being n1ade happy thereby, . now . in their pre-~ fent State; and how great a te1nporal Re.. venue of_ the Fruits of ReligiotJ, (as jn– ward Confidence, Peace, and Serenity of Mind, cloth as na"tively follow the Life and PraCl:ice hereof, as the Fruit of a Tree anfwers to its Kind, and is ever . found the.aJone true Relief of Mankind, againft all the Griefs and Bitternefs of · Time ; yea, that 'tis no Difiance of Place, ·but of 1\1ens Spirit by -In1purity_ and Corrupt ion, that n1akes jo fad a Di– . fiance betwixt God and Man here in the Earth. ~ ) . He is thus further confirmed upon this great Teftimony I of experimental – R_eligion, .by con~dering that 'tis 'fure fuch as do bear this Witnefs are known, . I. To /