Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

. , I Jtt1f e of a CHR I S T lA N. . 3'., '· ~ come to; which, ' the tnore dee11ly 'tis conftdered, pe finds one ofthe 1noi): peculiar Afi1ftances- to his Faith; and one' of the gr~atefi ~tt~intn~nts_ of e:x.perin1enta1 Re– ligion witl\I:l Tune; \vhen he can thus fee the fa1ne Way/o£ believing, in fame . fl:rong and extraordinary Aifaults,cwhich · l he hath found to crufh and brealr hitn ,_.,., herein ; whie'h hatn carried fo many tho-_ rough in_ their faddeft Trials ; brin~ him alfo in h1s Turn, to be an Inftance 111 the fame Kind, to bear au honourable Tefti- / 1nony, to this fure andexcell_ent Way of believing before , the World, that none ·may fear after hitn tohold by the Promife of God, and venture on that Security, tho' it then feem againft Hope, whc,fe 1 DifJ?~nfations·, did yet never gi\\e his Word the Lye. CHARACTER IV. ) , He is a trn1y confir.med Chriftian, who in a diftnal Titne, is not ftaggered in his Faith fron1 t~e prefent Signs and Appear– ances thereof, but hath his Soul ballaft– ed with fuch folid Grounds of Confirma– tion againft the fan1 e, that ,thofe Provi– dences, whereat others 'do moft fiun1ble, D 2 tend