Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

" 36 A Defcrt"ptiott of th~ confirmed be one of the grerteft Confinnations of ~. his Faith \vithin Time~ · 1. ' He does no\y clearly fee, how the · Truth and Faithfnlne!s of God is com– l11enfurate to his whole Work of Provi .. dence; and that all the Lines hereof, as they do lead fron1 his revealed Counfel )n the Script.ure, (\V hi eh is the adequate Sign of his eternal Counfel and Decrees,) fo do they return thither again, to make ., this great Demonftration clear ; that if a fuH Hiflory \vere written of this World, :and v1hat hath,been confpicuous thorough the whole Series of Ti1nes paft in all thefe ConjunEtions of inferior Caufes, / (whe– ther necefiary, free, or contingent, and of fuch Events that feetn 1noft cafual,) it !hould be nothing elfe hut an exact r.franfcript and Hiftory of the Bible, to . . bear this \Vitnefs, that the World is no– thing7 but Gad 'fet forth in his own Scripture Light. Bi1t tho' a full Difcove.. -- -- · ry hereof be not attainable \vithin Time, · ·yet is it a fad and deplorable WaJ1t, th~t r .the great Acts of the Lord, in' each Age of the Church, are · not plore fearched, and fought out of all them that take Pleafure therein; that they 1nay be feeq, ob– ~er-ved, and ~drrtired,- .by that · Part of.the - · ~reauon, I •