-... ' . I . \ 42 A Defcriptiott of the confirrtrea :ficedt Clofe, which ihall be there·of 'at .at t~he fecond coining of the Lord. ' )' CH.ARACTE~ t V. ~ - I ' ,A confinned Chrifl:ian, in this Day;· fhould be thus alfo ftated, as one, who hath not only attained a folid Reft and Settlement of Mind, upon the Certainty of the Chriftian Faith, but does know the 11ure ' genuine Truth of Chriftianity, am!dft fuch high Oppofitions betwixt the , Ro11zifh and Rejor1nedChurch herein• . And, in the fir.fr Place,bath in thisMan· r 11er he]d hitnfel,fupon fuch a rfrial; .J. As . one~ who kno\vs .there is but one tr-tte ~nd faying ~eligion in theEarth,to which God hath annexed the Pron1ifeof eternal Life, . which can never be aivided againft itfelf. 2. Who kno\vs, thauwithin a little while, his Religion vvill be tried in · the Truth thereofat the Tribu!1a,l of Chrift; where every Man muft give Account of himfelf unto God. 3· Who. fees there ca~1 .be no poffible Indifference in the exterior. Pro~ feffion of either Way, b>Jt that fo ·hjgh a ' Contrariety of Principles is in this Oppo– fition, that if the D-oCtrine of Chrift he ' ,on the one Hand, it is fure, ,.Antic!Jriflia· . . . n~