Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

- -- )'State of a CH~IsrtAN; ' 47 Entry inta··Heaven.-, Copceit that it is a -– Privjleg'e for. 1'1en to deftroy the1i1felves; and by external_'Severities _and Penarice to the Flefh, like to the lancing and g_afh· .. ing ,of Baal's Priefts, fupply the Room - - -of Chriftian Mortific~tion. 8. Yea', he finds ..it-not .poffible to believe, that Sill can only '(>e expiated by the Blood of Chrift ; . and is his alonetWork·, who hath purged our Sin hitnfeif, Heb. i: 3· Or,. that there are more than two ~ays that lea& to ·a twofold State of Men; (~ flrait , Way, whieh leads k> a Life; and a broad· unto_Deftrutl:ion, Mattb. vii. 14.). and yet believe, that then~ is a Purgatory after ~ after .this Life, wherein Men 1nuft be to~rnented and i uffer extream Pains, to eL- . piate fuch venial Sins, as. tneir PrayerS> ~~1d Penan.c~s here caul~ n0~ do ; y·ea~- h_e· 1s n1ade , to wond,er, How any '\Vhn· be~ __ . · 1ieves fach a Thing -can ever have true: ., ' ' Peace or Co1nfor't in the \Vorld; conclud--, - I / ing, that PapiRs do eithe-r take it as-,a fi--– (tj,on, · or forget .thetnfelves, \V hell> they . are chearfuJ. For the Fear of ft1cll. Ck Pl(]ce, the Uncertainty of Releafe-; ancl~ ·' how long a Ten:n it may· be ere: this; purging Work be con1pleat, when. their· . O\VJ1 Writer~ affign no lefs Ti.n1:e· than ~ " E l te111 .. - ~ I . l t