Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

-48 .A Defcription of the co;!firtned . \ - fen thoufan~l Years; as needful .to fatisfy for fame Su1s, and fear left 1 t ,prove a _ ·real Hell, m:uft ftill be a piercing Ter- , ror ;. nor can he believe, /that iucQ. fuould credit thetnfelves herein, who aifume this Povver to change the Condition of the Dead. Since were it really believed, that the Keys of fuch a Prifon were here i n JvTens Hands, and Folk could, by the l argeft Bribes to the Romijh Church, get a fafe Deliverance thence ; it were not _ ftrange to fee the the temporal S~ate of Chriflendom, in a fuort Tim~ trtade:over · to' thefe: We -fuould judge they were, in a ftran·ge Manner,_, indeed, privileged ·a- .hove the whole Refidue of Men, who by flich a Power ove,r the World to- cotne . cou1 d tTiake (o eafy a Purchafe of this alfo which is prefent. 9· He finds, and is fure, he could never get his Reafon arid ·Confcience brought to 'iuch \a Faith, even _ 'tho' he made a feigned Profeffion-herein, 0-f that pretehdedSupretnacy of Peter , i as :Bifhop of _)?.ome, on ·which the whole Frrune and StruB:ure of the Papacy leans, and the Virtue of all the Pardons and Ab– folutions founded thereon; on which fo n1any have ·adventured into- another World; - ~.__.._- I "" . . ' ' ' ) . ,