. jtate .of a CHRISTIAN. 49 World ; except he would _build on the Sand only, and 11ot on the Rock. Io. He finds alfo how fuch an EreEt ion of the Go.. - _ ._.-:- fpel Church in her Militant State here, as ·· the Papacy in itscotnple:x: Fratn·eis, united jn fuch _an Head, a_s the Pop·e, (w(ho,. as · the foie Vicegerent of Chrift-in the Earth, · ' . . is at once invefted with a- civil Monar.. - chy, and 'univerfal Etnpi_re, over the , r ;Church, to irhpofe and judge in the high– eft TranfaB:ions, which relate · to the e– ternal State and_itntnortal Souls ofMcp,) ·is a Thing,, that as to Matter of Right, is as fore1gt1 to the Scripture, and incon– , -fifie_nt therewith, a·s MahunzetC(nzjm can ~ be. And as to_Matter of FaCt~ is a ·rrufl:. ' that no created :Beingcould ever exercife. - 1 I. He fees, and is fure, that he rnuft either lofe Sight, both of the Rule and Spirit of the Gofpel, or have a juft Abnorre'i1ce of t ha_t WaJ, \V herein he fhould , be inevitably involved in a virtual Con- _ fent, and Accefforin·efs to all that Cruel- - ty and Bl9od~ - whic~ f9r ·ro m~·ny Ages ~hath beell fhed therein; when 't1s fo clear that this was na Exorbitance only ofPra~ Clice; but a n·ative Refult oftheir rfenets and -Pripciples; and not only difl)enced· - with, bl!J counted an-highly' meritorious _ · Service~ / . ·~