Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

•) f I I ) State of a · ~H'RISTIAN. ~3 chrift, and the laft Havoc,lc 'of the Re– fanned .Churches was, drawing ,near, _ which would be fol~e . ere it ' had ~one its . / Work. ·. . · 3· He iees~alfo, how1this preferit Hour , is not n1ore !earching and daJ:-](, than it may he clea_r herewith. 1. .That ~1o_w, after the Iffue of that Oppofit1on, wh:t~h was betwixt the ChriftianFaith in the 'firfl: Entry of the Gofpel, and that dying apo– ftate Church of the Jecvs; and next, with the Pa'gan Etnpire, after th~t new ~retl:ian · of the Gofpel Church a1nong ·the Gentilrs, \vhich is --now/over; fa is the greateft Trial of theJaHer Days fixed , on the'~ Decifion of that long depending Controverf)r bet\vixt Chrift and Anti.. chrift. · 2. That, according to the Scrip., - t.ure, we tnuft believe, that as after the Manner ofEgypt, that glorious Triurnph and'> Delivery of the Church from Anti- / chrift will be ·fqrely carried on ; fo the 111ore near it comes t0 ' the laft Affault; (and when this falls in to ha~e its proper . Rootn in the' Frame and Adn1iniftratiQn 6f Providence;) the gregter Extretnity, Terror, a11d Darfcnefs n1ay be expected alfo, fuch as hath not been in any J9rmer rfi1ne. .Yea, with that .united and .for· 1nidable I ;