Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

. . State of a CHRISTIAN. )) Evidence of a defperate anctfinkingCauie . · than ·is here,, and nothing elfe can fupport . it, but thefe Weapons which are not a- · gainft the Confcience; or ~by any 'ferror · of the iecond Death, ·but of the firft. ·· - 3· That this is fuch an .l\rgutnent, if they have not in a ftrange Manner forgot, which bath within thefe hundred Years been fo fully anfwered, and by fuch an imn1ediate Appearance,ofGod in theKing-– ·dom ofFrqnce, that, acc6rding to the!e .Meafures of Cruelty againft theProteftants there, fo was ·it returned in a Deluge of their own Blood, yea, fo both the public State of ti1e Church, ·a'hd Faith bf the Saints, in the Truth was more deep{y rooted; a1~d tho' we yetfee not ·the End of thefe Wonders, but the Dark- fide on1y of the Difpenfations of fuch a Dayl· ~ • / yet do we know this fore Rod on the Church, is but as the Saw and Ax in 'the Carpenter.'s Hand, vvho £hall never undo that glorious ·work which Cbrift bath done, and is ftill further perfecting on the ~ Ruins of Antichrift's Kingdon1. · ). Tho' fame unufual Deeps and MeZ . thods of Subtilty be now on Foot alfo a- ' gainft the Truth ; yet he ca11qot but fee, F , hQ)V \\ . '