I 58 A Defcrip.tion of the cotifirmecl fupport the R01nijh Intereft , which hath , _ , ,~l)een fo · vifibly deftructive to theirs: When )tis .tJot poHible todeny how i ts firft Advance and Progrefs to that fupream Height, which it onet attained ;. and the dec1inibg of the civil En1pire , did by the fan1e Ste·ps , go together; until Magiftra.. cy was turned unto a dead ltnage:and Sha– dovv, . e:x:CCJJt its be~ng enli_vened by th_eir :Breath and Au thority, /as 1t was dunng the whole Height of that Antichr1ftian · Power. Nor will it be denied, that, jn thefe late "fitnes, the French Monarchy was never more near its Difiolution in its right Line than by ' the Catholz"ck League ., - ' there ; 'and it wOuld [~em not eafy to be · forgot, how He;zry .tlie Third, who had ·moft fought to cruU1 the Proteibints in . J1Urfuance of that Lef!gue, was at laft ~:on- . :ftrained to fl ee to fuch for Help; or by· Vl hvnn be \V as kil.l ed ; , and that heroick l)rince Henry the Fourth, v;ho .was firft / ftabbed jn the · Mouth ·anrl trhen in the · Heart; yea, that the public R.ecords of that Nation cannot poffi bly deny, but the Houfe of Bourbon, owes its Power and Prefervat ion, tnore to the Proteftants, (without \vhom it hadbe'en·fully extinct,) . . than . . ' ' ( ' \ '