State of a CHRISTIAN: - 63 which he gave in the vvhole Courfe of his Life; and of that Joy, Co1nplacence and Affuranae of Mind, \V hieh he bath ·_ found, and now hat h in the Way- of Truth: So' as to prefs the' fame on his deareft Relations, as their alone true In-· tereit. 3· He fees alfo, ho\v honourable it is for the Lord, that fuch, whofe Faith bath been oft tried, (and \V hen thus with . Joy and .Adn1iration ~ he can look back , qn the n1ofl: preffiug ahd contpicuous Con– fl1crs ~of Ti1ne,) fu'o-nld have it their laft: Work to pay in fc;nne Tribute of Praife unto hitn . \vhofe Word and Protnife unto them; did ·vet never faj}. 4· He accou_nts the tnore weighty 'rrials: .he hath been carriec.l thro' in his Chriftian Warfare, do - bbth add more to this Service, and im1 part tnore to the Va1ue of fuch a Tefti.. ·moqy, ) • He judgeth, this one fpecial . ., Way and Advantage, whereby pne Ge.. neration might I declare the ' Truth and F~aithfulnefs .of God unto another, in a Fatnily-Line ancl-·Relation, to fhew forth !hus, that the Lord is upright ; that' he 1s their Rock, and with him is noUn– righteoufiJefs . Yea, \vhich fhould be ~atter ofunfpeakaLle Joy, when no\v ' . . 111 \ I .. I-,